Nurture, Grow, Flourish

SEN and Disability

SEND provision at Stubbins Primary School

The school’s SENCo is Mrs G Sanchez. She can be contacted by email: or via the School Office on 01706 822063.

The Local Offer sets out at the ‘Local Authority level’ what the Local Authority expects to be available in every school.

This is available here:

The Lancashire Local Offer FaceBook page also contains lots of information and support for parents including information on support groups and activities for children with SEND and their families in the local area:

Some of our families live within the Bury Local Authority and Bury's local offer can be found by clicking on this link:

The above websites also contain links to many other agencies which provide support to children with SEND and their families. 

If you are struggling to find the support that your child and family need please contact us for additional help and support. 

Stubbins Primary's SEN Information Report sets out in greater detail what provision is available in our school. The Accessibility Plan can be found below along with the school's SEND policy.

Lancashire SEND IAS

Lancashire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority and provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND.

Contact us

Tel: 0300 123 6706
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Or follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with all the latest news news and events from SEND IAS.

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 2 working days.


SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service) provides free confidential and impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, and those have or may have special educational needs, and their parents. If you are aged 16+ you are able to request support for yourself. 

  • We offer information, advice and support in matters relating to Education, Health or Social Care provision.

  • We can provide support over the phone, via email and in person, and support at meetings

  • We provide information through a helpline, factsheets and links to a range of support networks and organisations via our website and Facebook group.

  • We offer drop in sessions for young people and parents throughout the year including evenings

  • If required we can provide information regarding disagreement resolution services and appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST)

  • Contact Details

    Organiser: Bury Sendiass

    Telephone Number: 01706 769 634

    Email Address:

Support, agencies and Links for Lancashire based families. Families from outside of Lancashire may also find some of these links/ information useful.

Below you will find the link to the Lancashire SEND Directory of services available to all families in Lancashire.

These services include:

ADHD Lancashire


Has you child been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Do you need to know what to do next?

We're here to help and suport you. We offer support face to face or by Telephone.

Monthly Parent/Carers support meetings/coffee mornings

Address and contact information

Contact Name: Bernadette


Telephone: 07788 431400


Autism & Parent Support



An online support group for parents of autistic children  

In this group, alongside the friendship and non-judgemental support from fellow parents who genuinely understand, you will find:

  • Tips & Advice - helping you to help your child

  • Regular Guest Speakers - ask your questions and learn from the experts in their field

  • Insight From The Actual Autistic Community - learn about and understand autism from our children’s point of view

  • Help with advertising and securing a support worker for your child

  • DLA Application Support

Ran by Kelly-anne Smith, with over 20 years experience of SEN; both professionally and personally, this group helps with the tools, strategies, and knowledge to empower families; gaining the support and services needed for an inclusive and happy life.

Address and contact information

Contact Name: Kelly-anne Smith

Contact Position: Autism and Parent Support Advisor



Autism Understood


Simply put, Autism Understood is a website about autism, for autistic young people. 

The website was created by Spectrum Gaming, a registered charity. Spectrum Gaming is a community for autistic young people which has three main intended outcomes:

  1. Building friendships: We wanted to create a community where autistic young people feel comfortable and can make strong friendships in a safe way. Our main provision is our online community, that anyone from across the UK can access. We also run meet ups for young people who live in the Greater Manchester area.

  2. Increasing Self-Acceptance: We want to make sure as many autistic people as possible are able to accept their differences and live the happiest lives they can.

  3. Advocacy – We aim to create a movement that will have a positive influence on society through advocacy, and enable strategic change to ensure the needs of autistic young people are met across the UK. 

Address and contact information



 Send email

Bee Unique Autism


BEE UNIQUE is the vision of Nadia Shaw and Dave Parsons. Being the parents and carers to two amazing non verbal little boys, both diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Condition with Associated Learning Difficulties, we have created 

BEE UNIQUE to embrace, educate and entertain those diagnosed with and those engaged in the medical diagnosis of Autism. As we know that this comes with incredible blessings as well as incredible challenges. 

But we could not have done this without the unfaltering support of Natalie and Martin McCarron who have been through this journey every step of the way. 

Address and contact information




Our Purpose

 To relieve the needs of those diagnosed with Autism and those who are currently engaged in the medical diagnosis of Autism and their immediate families and carers in England in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of support and recreational activities. 

Charity registered in England & Wales. Registration No: 1193559

Support, agencies and link for Bury based families. Families from outside of Bury may also find some of these links useful.

The Bury Directory: a place to access and learn about a range of services for children and families of all ages.

First Point:

First Point is a easily accessible first point of entry for families to access different services and support.

Services provided by First Point include:

Post Diagnostic Service ADHD and ASD

We work with families who have children/young people diagnosed with Autism or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We offer a 5-week course that will inform, empower and support families who have received a recent diagnosis. Person centred, 1-1 work is carried out with the families that attend the course to ensure that the whole family understand their young persons diagnosis and work together going forward.

Sensory Seminars

First Point Family Support Services are the contract leads for the Sensory Pilot in Bury.  Rehabilitation for Independence  are the specialist private company that are commissioned through the contract to deliver the sensory assessments and sensory seminars (see their webpage link below). As contract lead we report on the anonymous statistical data to contract leads and  manage the bookings, provide the venues and refreshments for all the seminars. 

Home - Rehabilitation for Independence (

1-1 Support for Social Care Families

Referrals are received from Bury Council's Social Care Teams. We offer 1-1 support to families who have been referred in. This includes emotional support, upskilling and empowering parents, signposting and support for families in navigating their way through any difficulties they may be having. We can support with various strategies within the home environment.  We support and empower families to complete DLA/PIP and charity forms etc. We can also, if necessary, signpost families to various services in Bury. Families are offered our seminars free of charge (please see the upcoming events page).

Parent Carer Seminars

Our Parent Carer Seminars offer support, guidance and information that help to empower and upskill families for their futures. They are an opportunity to meet other parents who are in the same position. Many parents have said that it is one of the most powerful parts of the seminars, realising you are not alone and the only one struggling.  

(please see the upcoming events page). We try to arrange the seminars mornings, afternoons and evenings so that everybody is able to attend.

Referrals from School Nursing Team

We receive referrals from the School Nursing Teams in Bury. Families are referred into our service for individual 1-1 support. We aim to empower families so they can manage any issues they are currently facing. We work closely with the relevant school so behaviours are worked on across all settings promoting consistency.

Local Transformation Plan - Parental Support

We receive referrals from Healthy Young Minds in Bury in relation to supporting parent’s emotional health and wellbeing. We offer 1-1 support to parents supporting them with the day to day challenges they may be facing. We inform and empower parents and help them develop their own natural support and support network. We can also signpost families to various statutory or voluntary/third sector organisations to ensure they are getting the correct support.

Bespoke Training

First Point Family Support Services offer bespoke training packages to a wide variety of people and organisations including; schools, parents/carers, children and young people, local authorities, health care professionals, private establishments, voluntary and third sector organisations.  


  • Person Centred Planning (including Graphic Facilitating)

  • Tactics for Home Parenting Sessions

  • Safeguarding (Children)

  • Safeguarding (Adults)

  • Skill Building Courses

  • Disability Awareness

  • Understanding Autism

  • Understanding ADHD

If you would like to discuss any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can devise personalised courses for your intended audience. Please contact us on 0161-762-1440 or via email -

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