Nurture, Grow, Flourish

Physical Education

Physical Education



Core Values

Our school core values can be seen in every P.E. lesson throughout school.

  • The children require resilience when things don’t go as planned during a task.
  • Independence is needed in personal challenges and solo activities.
  • Self belief is important when trying to use a new skill or try a new tactic.
  • Integrity is absolutely vital during competitive activities.
  • Cooperation is required when working as a team.
  • Achievements in lessons should be celebrated and children should have pride in themselves.
  • Empathy for our peers is key when others are finding a lesson tricky or competitive activities are taking place.
  • Courage should be shown and children should go out of their comfort zone to learn a new skill or try something different.
  • Determination is key in P.E. to try and beat our personal best and improve our ability.
  • During competitive activities the children should always shake hands with their opponents and referees to show respect.
  • Children should be curious to experiment with new techniques and tactics.



At Stubbins Primary School we believe Physical Education should promote physical fitness, healthy lifestyles and a love of movement and staying active in all students. 

We aim to create a safe and inclusive environment where children are encouraged to explore, learn and achieve their full physical potential through a range of games and activities that are based on their fundamental movement skills. 

All children will have the opportunity to take part in competitive sport inside school and each year every child in Key Stage 2 will be encouraged to participate in an out of school event which involves physical activity. Physical Education plays a crucial part in the curriculum and the wellbeing of children. It is an essential part of their education. 



At Stubbins, we follow the Lancashire P.E. scheme. 

Our curriculum is designed to ensure children in each year at Stubbins Primary School experience a range of activities that promote physical fitness and skill development. The teaching includes games, sports, fitness exercises as well as gymnastics and dance. Lessons throughout school should also regularly involve discussions on healthy lifestyles and injury prevention. Units of lessons are sequential and allow children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them in a range of scenarios. 

We have a progression of skills which shows which skills the children should learn in each year. This progression shows how skills and knowledge are built upon through the children’s time at Stubbins. Differentation using STEP (space, task, equipment, people) and support from staff in lessons ensures that all children are given the opportunity to succeed and further their learning. Every lesson should be challenging in some way to all children regardless of their confidence or skill level. P.E. lessons should also be fully inclusive with every member of the class being able to take part safely. 

It is important that the activities are age-appropriate; teachers are guided with this through plans from Lancashire. If any teachers ever need advice then the P.E. subject leader is always available to help when planning or evaluating lessons. 

EYFS – In the Early Years Foundation Stage we provide opportunities for children to learn and develop fundamental movement skills. The children will also start to discuss some benefits of being physically active and consider safety while taking part in physical activity. 

Key Stage 1 – In Key Stage 1 the children will continue to develop and master their fundamental movement skills. The Children will start to apply these skills in a range of games and activities. Children will start to discuss how physical activity has an effect on their body and will continue to discuss how to stay safe during physical activity. 

Key Stage 2 – By Key Stage 2 the children should have developed their fundamental movement skills to a point where they can take part in a range of activities. The children will also take part in competitive games and understand the importance of teamwork. Year 3 and 4 will also have swimming lessons. Children will discuss why being physically active is important for their bodies and they will understand why a warm up and cool down are important. Safety talks will still be given in every lesson but children should be confident in discussing how to stay safe and why this is important. 



Children will leave Stubbins Primary School having competed in a wide range of games and physical activities. Children will have learnt to work as a team, be resilient and enjoy physical activity. A focus on teamwork in lessons will help the children to improve their social skills. Children will have been given the opportunity to communicate throughout lessons and will be encouraged to help each other with tips and advice. All children should have the confidence to try anything in or out of school which involves physical activity. Discussions around mental health will help the children to understand that staying active and living a healthy lifestyle will help their wellbeing throughout life. 


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