Nurture, Grow, Flourish

Big Ben Class (EYFS) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Doskocz

Class Teacher: Mrs Doskocz 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Leach

Welcome to Big Ben Class - September 2024!

Big Ben Class would like to welcome you to our class page! We are really excited to share our learning and development with you! 

Here you will find lots of photos, information and news about our class. Please keep checking back to see what we got up to each week! 


Useful Information

Curriculum Planners are sent home at the start of every half term. This contains important information about our learning this half-term. Please help us with our learning at home by reading this document and talking to us about our new learning!

PE is on a Friday morning. Please dress your child in the easiest uniform option to change out of. Please avoid shirts with lots of buttons. You can support this further by encouraging your child to dress independently at home too! 

Reading books will be changed every Friday. Please put your child's book in their bag every day as the children will be reading in school too. 

Phonics sounds are learnt every day. We use Twinkl phonics if you would like to support your child's learning. 

Magic Moment Certificates Please download this document if you notice a small but significant step in your child's development. Please record their achievement on the certificate and send it into school to share and celebrate. Copies of the Magic Moment certificate are also available from class, just ask if you would like one.


Useful Websites
Here are some of the websites that we use in class so that you can access them at home:

Twinkl Learning From Home


Twinkl Phonics Level 2 Sounds and Actions (

Twinkl Phonics Level 3 Actions and Sounds (


Daily Maths Lessons from White Rose Maths

Files to Download

Student Login