At Stubbins Primary School, we believe that Music is a unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. The teaching of music develops pupils’ ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgements about musical quality and the inter-related dimensions of Music. We believe in giving in pupils, irrespective of gender identity, race, religion, disability or academic ability, the opportunity to discover and develop their musical potential. We are committed to achieving maximum participation for all children within a caring and supportive environment so that these positive experiences culminate in children developing the confidence and expertise to express themselves through music.
We aim to:
- Meet the requirements of the National Curriculum as fully as possible and enable all children to reach the highest possible standards of achievement.
- Implement the Model Music Curriculum to ensure all of our children have experienced a range of pieces of music from different cultures and different periods in History.
- Help children gain a secure understanding of what music is through listening, singing and playing.
- Give children the ability to evaluate, improvise and compose across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, cultures and musical genres.
- Develop a curiosity for music as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music.
- Provide resources to encourage all members for the school community to learn and enjoy music.
- Give the children the opportunity to learn a range of songs and perform to an audience either in school or in the community.
At our school, Music offers opportunities for children to:
- Listen to and appraise a variety of songs and pieces of music.
- Play instruments in different ways and create sound effects.
- Create music that describes contrasting moods and emotions.
- Handle and play instruments with control.
- Create and compose music and make improvements to their own work.
At Stubbins, we follow the scheme of work provided by Lancashire Music Service, Charanga. This scheme of work encompasses all aspects of the National Curriculum that need to be taught for music. Charanga is a modern, and whole school digital resource to provide children with the opportunity to listen and appraise, improve, compose and perform. We ensure continuity and progression with our music curriculum by teaching through practical activities as well as opportunities to perform.
We are aiming to raise the profile of music through our school productions, singing assemblies, learning about different composers and genres of music. Each class from EYFS to Year Six have at least one music session weekly every other half term. EYFS also have opportunities to explore music through continuous and enhanced provision. We want to provide more opportunities for children to perform in front of a large audience through regular music assemblies. The children will experience concernt
Each teacher will deliver three of the units within the English model music curriculum Charanga and provide active, engaging and purposeful lessons and activities for children of all abilities. Children use a range of percussion in both EYFS and Key Stage One which include learning to play some notes on glockenspiels which progress throughout Key Stage 2 where they learn to play some notes on recorders. The aim of this is to give children the confidence to perform and musical knowledge to select appropriate instruments for their own composition by the time they leave Key Stage 2.
Tuition is provided by Lancashire Music Service specialist teachers for Key Stage 2 children to learn woodwind, guitar and keyboard at cost to parents. Additional tuition is also provided by Rocksteady for all pupils in school at an additional cost to parents. Rocksteady teach the children to play as an ensemble whilst developing new musical skills on guitars, drums, keyboards and vocally. Pupil premium funding can be used to offset the cost of instrumental tuition and instrument hire. There is the opportunity for children to play an instrument they are familiar with in a band lead by a member of the Lancashire Music Service. Children can join this free of charge extra-curricular club once they can confidently play three notes on their chosen instruments.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage we provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and skills in Expressive Arts and Design which allows them to:
- Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs;
- Perform songs, rhymes and poems with others;
- Try to move in time with music.
In the Key Stage One we provide opportunities for children to:
- Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes;
- Play tuned and untuned instruments musically;
- Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music;
- Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
In the Key Stage One we provide opportunities for children to:
- Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression;
- Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music;
- Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory;
- Use and understand staff and other musical notations;
- Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians;
- Develop an understanding of the history of music.
Our Music curriculum is designed in such a way that will motivate, inspire and engage the children. Pupils will leave primary school having secured age-related skills and knowledge to form a strong foundation for their music learning at Key Stage 3 and beyond. The impact of our Music curriculum is measured using recordings of lessons where children improvise, compose and perform in addition to assemblies and other performances. The purpose of this monitoring is to provide evidence of progression from EYFS to Year 6. ‘In the moment’ feedback and support is provided by teachers throughout music lessons. Children will be given the opportunity to perform at the end of each unit which helps to inform teacher judgements as to how the child is performing in relation to their year group outcomes.
Children will:
- Have the opportunity to perform through Christmas performances, carol concerts and other opportunities.
- Be taught music lessons every other half term in ways appropriate to their abilities and age.
- Be supported if exceptional music skills are identified at an early stage by discussing with encouraging them to join the school band and ensuring opportunities are provided for them to perform in the classroom, during assemblies and school concerts.
- Have the right to access Music despite any additional needs through appropriate adaption by the teacher when delivering of the Music curriculum to provide differentiation so potential barriers to learning are reduced.
Private Music Lessons
Music lessons are available from Lancashire Music Services. The children can be taught at school but the lessons are arranged direct with them at:
Lancashire Music Service
Southport Road
Application forms can be picked up from the school office, or arranged online at: